How is cashmere produced? How does raw cashmere wool turn into a warm cashmere jacket or a perfectly stylish vest?
Cashmere goats have a dense and silky coat of wool that extends from under the neck to their abdomens, protecting them from the cold in the freezing weather conditions of the high Himalayan mountains. With the spring, these unique wools are combed and collected and raw cashmere is obtained. Traditionally, cashmere wool was obtained by collecting the balls that goats left by rubbing against the surrounding bushes and rocks to get rid of this wool layer that kept them warm. Over time, combing cashmere wool has become an important part of the production process for manufacturers.
Cashmere wool is collected by combing only from the under neck region of goats, the hair cover on the upper part of their bodies is thicker and coarser, so it is not suitable for touching. Approximately 150 grams of cashmere wool can be obtained from a goat throughout the year, and the amount collected all over the world is around 15 thousand tons per year. Due to its scarcity, cashmere is considered a unique and very rare natural textile product.
After the raw cashmere is collected, it is washed and separated. After removing the low quality hairs, the wool is spun, dyed and dried. After all these processes, the most important step is hand processing. Traditionally, hand or automatic production of cashmere in the factory is decisive for the quality of the product to be produced. All the products we offer in our online store are handmade. We have been offering cashmere for years by preserving all the features that make cashmere.